Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old

Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old
Here I am after Infantry Basic Trainnig back in the 80's

Old Soldier Today

Old Soldier Today
Here is the current version of me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Flying Away to Texas (posted a day late)

My little William was such a sweetheart saying goodbye in the airport. He loves to go anywhere new. The day before I left he asked if I was flying away on an airplane and when I told him I was he said he was going to break the airplane...aww so sweet that he didn't want daddy to go.

It was an uneventful smooth flight to Texas. The airline folks are so nice to men and women in uniform. I really appreciate their support and encouragement. When I made my connection in Chicago they upgraded me to first class, a new experience for me. It was great. They gave me a little bowl with warm cashews and almonds followed by a beautiful salad served on real, glass dishes with cloth napkins....can you tell the ole' boy from Southern Illinois is still pretty much a hick that's easily impressed? That's fine by me as I am sure many more surprises lie ahead. Anyway, I arrived safely and it seems like I am in for a lot of excitement with some great soldiers.

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