Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old

Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old
Here I am after Infantry Basic Trainnig back in the 80's

Old Soldier Today

Old Soldier Today
Here is the current version of me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hearding Cows

Here we are lined up to draw our gear like a bunch cattle being herded by our capable and patient cattle drivers. They speak so nicely to us and are very patient as they kindly point us in a new direction. It's so different being an officer than when I was an enlisted puke, as the cadre used to call us as they screamed and yelled at us in the old days, dropping everyone for push-ups. The staff here is very good at getting us where we need to be and keeping us informed. We are getting ready to move to the field for some REAL Army training next week. It must be real because they just issued all of our TA-50 which is just our combat and field gear...I never knew why they called it TA-50. I guess I will have to add that to the very long list of acronyms that all of us speak in but only know about half of. There are just so many. I will find out what it means and post it later though....Hey good news! We might not need the baby wipes. It seems as though they have showers in the field now, but we only get to use them maybe twice a week or so. I will probably appreciate them even more as a result.

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