Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old

Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old
Here I am after Infantry Basic Trainnig back in the 80's

Old Soldier Today

Old Soldier Today
Here is the current version of me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One More Day and a Wakeup Then off to Ft. Sam

I can’t believe the amount of stuff we have to pack for OBLC. I need to call the Airlines and tell them to bring a trailer for the plane. It’s a good thing that they don’t charge military people for the extra baggage when they are traveling under orders. Anyway, I have spent the past weeks on the this strange scavenger hunt to gather stuff for which there is not purpose in the civilian world like a flashlight with red, blue and green filters which I am pretty sure is for disco night when we are out in the field. No actually it, like every other item on the strange list, has a special purpose another example of which is baby wipes since there are not showers out in the wilds. That is apparently how we will maintain our hygiene. Back in the old days we would fill our helmet up with a couple of canteens of water and take what we called a whore's bath (excuse me if I offended any whores) and next use the water to shave. The helmet, called a “steel pot” back then, had a removable liner which, when removed left the helmet a nice empty bowl. Some folks actually cooked in it…Yes you heard me right, bathed in it and cooked in it. We were hardcore, young, infantry men who just didn’t give a damn. So now in contrast, I find humor in the idea of using baby wipes to replace the process I once knew as a whore’s bath in the field. What can I say…things change, so you just go with it. Anyway…one more day and a wakeup and I am Texas bound.

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