Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old

Old Soldier When He Wasn't Old
Here I am after Infantry Basic Trainnig back in the 80's

Old Soldier Today

Old Soldier Today
Here is the current version of me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Land Navigation

Today we had a great class on land navigation. I was surprised how much of I rememebered from my old infantry days, but I am sure I will be equally surprised at how much I forget tomorrow with the ailing short term memory of an old man. Regardless, it was a great class taught by a charismatic instructor who was also entertaining. Gotta love that. We learned a huge amount of information in a short period of time. I just love looking at Army maps. They identify every terrain feature, topography etc. The detail is amazing. We use an 8 digit grid coordinate to navigate to anywhere within 10 meters accuracy. Later this week we will put those skills to the test when we take an land navigation test in the field both day and night. My biggest disadvantage will be my eyesight. That map will be mighty hard to read with bifocals at night with a red lens flashlight. I wonder if I can just shout "Marko"...and wait for the response if I get lost. Anyway I am sure it will go just fine. I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow morning we draw our M-16s in preparation for the FTX. I have had plenty of experience with the M-16 so I hope to be a good resource for the nurses and docs who have never even seen one. Hope nobody gets shot.

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